Diabetes Books

Below are a list of books that have been recommend by the #diabeteschat community.
Click on the images to go to external links.
If you have any book recommendations, please contact us.

Captain Lantus
‘The Adventures of Captain Lantus’

Adult Tool Kit
‘Straight to the point’

Shine Books
‘Bae, A badger with Type 1 Diabetes’

‘Daisy Donald’

‘Revolve Comics’

‘I’m a perfectly normal kid who happens to have diabetes’

‘T1D won’t stop me’

‘Las Aventuras de Nute’

‘Think like a pancreas’

‘Bright Sports & Landmines’

‘Automated Insulin Delivery’

‘Insulin A Hundred-Year History’

‘The discovery of Insulin’

‘Sugar Surfing’

‘Pumping Insulin’