Guest Speaker Chats

#DiabetesChat – D-coded

This week our guest speakers are Jazz and Asra from D-coded.

Tonight we will be talking to Jazz and Asra about their t1 journey, Diabesties, D-coded and we’ll be talking about education, peer support, advocacy, stigma, mental health and language matters…plus more..

D-coded is an endeavour to simplify complex research studies about Diabetes, and to make science accessible to everyone living with the condition. Discover user-friendly insights and stay updated on the latest and greatest on Diabetes research! D-coded is a passion project brought to you by The Diabesties Foundation – a nonprofit organization aimed at delivering impact by revolutionising advocacy, education and support for people living with Type 1 Diabetes.

For more information visit Diabesties, D-coded website: and find out more information on the NHS website about Language Matters:

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