Guest Speaker Chats

#diabeteschat – Paul Coker (11.5.22)

Paul Coker was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in 1977 when treatment protocols were very basic, in comparison to what they are like now. Paul lives a very active & physical lifestyle and has ran over 40+ half marathons and took on Kilimanjaro. Paul is passionate about helping others with diabetes and he is a member of the Diabetes UK National Advisory Council (Wales). Paul has created a patient based online resource about diabetes and exercise – Paul has a MSc in Diabetes Practice and has special interests in the impact of sports & nutrition on insulin sensitivity in adults with #T1D.

Tom, Chris, Morgan and the Diabetes Chat community asked questions to Paul as he joined the #diabeteschat Twitter Space as guest speaker. We spoke about:
– His diabetes Journey since dx: in 1977 & a look back at how things have evolved.
– Exercise, Marathons & Kilimanjaro.
– 1bloodydrop.
– Insulin Sensitivity.
+lots more.

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